It’s that time again!
Did you know that balanced nutrition can help students succeed in school and beyond? A balanced meal can help their growing brains retain information and succeed in the classroom. We do know that access to nutrition can vary from family to family. Keep reading and you will find some helpful resources below.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to keep in simple!
Kids can definitely be picky. It can be helpful to have them involved in the process. Preparing these snacks/meals together can make it fun and educational for them. Time can be limited though so it’s okay if that can’t be apart of your regular process!
If you pack your child’s lunch/snacks, here are a few food ideas:
Is your child eating from the cafeteria?
Many families rely on school meals to feed their children and understandably so. The cost of groceries have gone up in price significantly and many parents/guardians are working overtime to keep up with inflation. There may not even be time to prepare these meals! Here are a few tips to share with your kids when they are going through the lunch line.
Need resources?
Ultimately, you want your child to be fed and that being the main goal is absolutely acceptable. Having food is much more important that not having food at all. A meal with vegetables, grains and plenty of protein can be obtained in a variety of ways with a variety of foods.
The Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC has many resources for those in need including a food finder and various children’s programs. Check out the links listed below for information on each resource:
If you are interested and able to support the local food bank, here are a few links to checkout. They are always accepting the help of volunteers and donations:
As always, thank you for reading. Hopefully this post provided some new ideas as you prepare for the school year.
– Crystal McLean, Head Coach