Avoid the mistake of under-fueling your performance. As an athlete, your nutritional needs are greater. Even if it’s unintentional, insufficient fueling might be hindering your muscle growth and athletic performance. Could this be affecting you?
Here are some of the common acute signs:
Fatigue and low energy
Brain fog and difficulty concentrating
Dizziness and headache
Poor endurance, reaction time and speed.
Here are some of the common long-term signs:
Repeated soft tissue or bone injury
Poor sleep
Irregular or lost menstrual cycle
Low bone density
Muscle mass loss or inability to build muscle
Low iron levels (iron deficiency anemia)
How can I prevent this?
To effectively address under-fueling, start by estimating your energy needs, then create and follow a plan. This process can be challenging, but collaborating with a registered dietitian nutritionist to develop a personalized plan tailored to your sport can enhance both your performance and overall health.

Need some help? Send an email to crystal@diamondfitperformance.com to learn more about our nutrition coaching services.